A creative, proactive and dynamic development management company.


Supporting clients across multiple sectors.

Landevo partners and supports clients across multiple sectors managing major projects and property portfolio investments across the UK.

Our team is experienced in identifying, creating and managing investment opportunities with a proven track record of delivering results.

What makes us different?

We are a team of like‐minded professionals with significant experience in acquisition, development, and construction of investment opportunities to enlarge or optimise the scale and value of your estate.

Our team have identified, acquired and delivered estate expansion opportunities for FTSE100 clients such as Sainsbury’s Supermarkets, Whitbread and across multiple sectors including retail, leisure, healthcare and infrastructure.

Development Management

We can identify and assist you in the acquisition of land or property to meet your development aspirations from the initial owner approach, negotiation of the legal agreements, and navigating you through the planning process.

Project Management

Our project managers can deliver your strategic and operational development requirements from acquisition to opening. Using our extensive network of professionals or your own preferred advisors we can build and manage experienced and successful teams to deliver your project as if we were in-house colleagues.

Estate & Asset Optimisation

Using our significant experience, we can review your existing estate portfolio to determine your options to add or extract value from your assets through development.

Our approach is simple

To treat your estate and project aspirations as if they are ours but with an emphasis on pace, quality and cost whilst adding value and meeting operational need all while meeting your objectives in line with your core values and estate development targets.

Our aim is to be an extension of your organisation providing you with specialist expertise and advice when you need it, protecting your interests and reputation, and leading and managing the delivery of your aspirations without distracting from your ‘business as usual’.

By understanding your network targets and operational needs we will develop an overall plan for you to agree and for us to deliver against. You retain full control over what we do on your behalf.

Who we work with

Why not talk to us.

If you think we can help, or just want to have a chat about your ideas then contact us to see if we can help.